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Kurdistan: Five significant events!
Ayoub Barzani

In August, 2007, a number of sad events have surfaced in south Kurdistan, which is under the monopolistic control of KDP and PUK. The KRG (Kurdistan Regional Government is the product of a bilateral agreement between the two presidents Mr.Talebani, the Iraqi president and Mr. Massoud, the president of Kurdistan province. Both nominated 46 ministers to form the KRG!. These events are:
- The airlines from Sweden and Austria to Erbil and Sulaimani airports were annulled. The reported reason was that, both airports do not meet international standards, though huge money spent for the construction of the two airports.
- Kirkuk, Sulaimani and now Erbil hit by major cholera outbreak.
- The blasts in Sinjar against the Ezidis, where the death tool reached 250, and 350 wounded.
- Iranian military forces have bombarded several Kurdish villages from the area of Haji Omran to the town of Penjwen. The residents of certain villages have fled their homes.
- Turkish military forces have bombarded a number of Kurdish villages in Badinan, close to the Turkish frontiers.

The above mentioned events demonstrate the level of internal and external pressure on the federal Kurdistan. However, such events, especially the first three points, confirm the failure of the 46 Ministers, constituting a very odd executive in Erbil, to raise to their responsibility. Indeed a government formed by an anomalous tribal and feudal deeds, cannot form a civilised, effective and a democratic state apparatus. For example, even after sixteen years of self-rule, Kurdistan lacks a post service. The daily needs such as sanitized waters are not assured for the majority of the population. Electricity is unequal. The source of infection in Kurdistan appeared to polluted well-water on which residents were forced to rely due to the shortage of drinking water. In Kirkuk, cracked water pipes had allowed contamination by sewage. Also, “honour killing” is a dangerous phenomena spreading in Kurdistan.

Both Presidents, who are also party heads, Mr. Talebani and Mr. Massoud, are in total control of Kurdish political life. The cabinet of the 46 ministers, based in Erbil, are no more than simple followers of the two men.

Both presidents, agreed on a mechanism to share power, wealth and curb the Kurdish society from moving toward real democracy. In a bid to please Mr. Massoud, a Kurdish journalist (Stran Abdullah) was sacked from the daily Kurdish news paper Aso, which is based in Sulaimani, because he published a column, arguing whether Nehcirvan or Masrour will inherit power after Mr. Massoud.

Indeed, party meddling in the parliament, judiciary and the executive, is an obstacle and a hindrance to move forward the democratic process in Kurdistan. Stalinist parties and kin autocratic rule cannot establish democratic and civil society, but rather a corrupt and repressive dictatorial system, where Kurdish masses are voiceless and helpless. The present situation in Kurdistan, is a prelude to extremism and fanaticism, as it is the case in other parts of the Middle East.

Energetically, we, the people of Kurdistan, must move forward to create a democratic alternative.