Kurdistan Center
for Democracy in the Middle East
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For a reform of the Kurdish Latin alphabet
Considerations on the future of our language
By Ismet Sherif Vanly (in French).
How the ancient Church of Bedyal was destroyed
by Saddam's regime(Article in French).By Ayoub Barzani.
Lessons from recent Kurdish history.
Abdullah Ishaqi the General Secretary of the KDP-
his tragic end.
(in French). By Ayoub Barzani.
Contes du Kurdistan.
The Kurdes in the optic of the states:as a minority?
In French. By Hishyar Barzani.
Mouvement de libération kurde : Le handicap géopolitique.
Ayoub Barzani. Avril 1995. No 15. Tiré de l’appel du Kurdistan.
(En français).
Les trois enfants venus de Halabja. Avril 1988. Genève.
Ayoub Barzani.17.03.2009
Quand le KDP et l’UPK se mettent d’accord pour museler la presse.
From :http://fr.rsf.org/
Les Kurdes, la constance de Kouchner
Par: Ariane Bonzon. In French. Source: www.slate.fr
The Ezidis speak about themselves.(in French).
By Ayoub Barzani.
Les Kurdes une nouvelle fois mis à l’écart
By Françoise Germain-
Robin. 22.01.2014. Source: humanite.fr
OPINION / SYRIE – Afrine… et l’ingratitude internationale.By Rachid
Rachid. March 2018. Source:lecourrierdumaghrebetdelorient.info/
Extract of social discourse: Baathist ideology as an example.
By H. Barzani and Kane Yero S.
De l’Algérie à l’Irak, comment fonctionne la corruption.By JEAN-
PIERRE SERENI.22.09.2021.Source: https://orientxxi.info/
De la révolte au mercenariat, Le Kurdistan irakien
comme exemple.01.06.2024. By A.Babo Barzani.