Kurdistan Center
for Democracy in the Middle East
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Books in Arabic language.
Books in French language.
Yashar Toktamis:
Un amour
Mon destin de
Ihsan Nouri.
Volume 1.
Volume 2.
Volume 3.
Volume 4.
Book in kurdish: Mrs Yashar Ihsan Nouri's memoirs.
Yashar Ihsan Nouri
Traduit de l’arabe par
Ayoub Barzani.
Les Ezidis parlent
Les Ezidis parlent
Ayoub B. Barzani’s page
Articles in English, French, Arabic and Kurdish languages:
Politics of axes and the role of Kurdish parties
In Arabic. By Ayoub Barzani
The peril of building hopes on a “national hero”(1)
08.08.2021.By Ayoub Barzani in Arabic.
In kurdish.
The problems of Iraq can only be solved by loyal people
Ayoub Barzani.14.08.2019. In Arabic.
Leadership with no competencies.By Ayoub Barzani
17.08.2016.In Arabic.
System to protect the "holy thieves" in the region!
In Arabic. By Ayoub Barzani
On youtube.
P. Bremer's men continue to run the country
Ayoub Barzani.04.12.2018.In Arabic.Source:newsabah.com/
Illusions of Iraq's stability & prosperity under occupation
& the corrupt political class! In Arabic. By Ayoub Barzani
Change, from the top or from the bottom?(2)
By Ayoub Barzani. In Arabic.
In Kurdish.
Ayoub Barzani: Traffic of Sulaimani and Erbil airports is under
Turkish observation. In kurdish.Source: sharpress.net
Peaceful exit from the tunnel of the failed state. By Ayoub
Barzani in Arabic.07.09.2022
in Kurdish.
The non-
confidence in the political elite.In Arabic.By Ayoub
In kurdish.
Turkish President Erdogan and his Kurdish friends!
26.04.2020.By Ayoub Barzani. In Arabic.
The subversive role of the secret service (PARASTIN) of the (KDP).
Part one.29.03.2022.in Arabic.By Ayoub Barzani.
Victims of internal Kurdish disputes ... heroes without graves!
Ayoub Barzani. In arabic.
Turkish project for Kurdish state!.Ayoub Barzani. In Arabic
The imperialist project and the shattered patriotic forces
By Ayoub Barzani. 06.04.2020.In Arabic.
Chronic corruption in the federal Kurdistan (KRG).
In arabic. Ayoub Barzani
Understanding the past to save the present and the future
12.01.2019.in Arabic. Ayoub Barzani.Source:newsabah.com/
Ayoub Barzani to Lvin Magazine, Prepared by Herdi Mehdi.In Arabic.
In kurdish Also.
Towards real and deep changes in Kurdish politics. By Ayoub Barzani
28.03.2014.In kurdish.
The kurdish situation and mass movement. In kurdish.
Ayoub Barzani. Source: Lvin Magazine. 20.02.2011.
In Arabic also.
The Turkish military campaign reflects a struggle between two projects: racial,
hatred against a progressive, democratic project.31.01.2018.Ayoub Barzani
Vanity generated from failure.In Arabic.By Ayoub Barzani
Presidency of the Kurdistan Regional Government between wisdom
and political recklessness.20.03.2018. By Ayoub Barzani. In Arabic.
A clarification from Ayoub Barzani to readers and booksellers
in Kurdistan. In Arabic.
The Kurdish Kleptocracy tries to Escape the tribunal of history.
In Kurdish. By Ayoub Barzani
Why Turkish military bases in South Kurdistan?
Ayoub Barzani.01.08.2016.In Arabic.
How to humiliate a people. In kurdish. Ayoub Barzani.
Source: Lvin Magazine.
Barzan and KDP are two instruments to establish a tribal and dictatorial
System.25.12.2017.In arabic.Source:http://newsabah.com/
Turkish objectives amid Middle East crisis. By Ayoub Barzani.
In kurdish.
Be aware no deviation from populare uprising into inter party conflict.
Ayoub Barzani. In Arabic & in English.
The transfer of political power within the Kurdish parties: KDP, PUK
as example.Ayoub Barzani. In Kurdish.
Ayoub Barzani comments on the assassination of Kawa Germyani
In kurdish. Source: facebook.com / 3 kontrakt & Kurdistanpost.com
The Turkish Maneuver in the Kobane Crisis
03.11.2014. By Ayoub Barzani. Source: kurdistantribune.com/
Writing history under the Kurdish Kleptocratic rule of the KRG
In Kurdish.Ayoub Barzani.
The effect of cash on Kurdish political decisions (South Kurdistan)
Ayoub Barzani.in Kurdish.Source: facebook.com/3kontrakt
Paralyzed or energetic society? In kurdish. Ayoub Barzani.
One people, two different paradigm! By Ayoub Barzani.
In kurdish. Source: lvinpress.com
Why Kurdish Kleptocrats resort to the " consensus"?
15.08.2015.In Kurdish.Ayoub Barzani
Ethics in the conflict of Kurdish Parties in South Kurdistan
22.07.2016. By Ayoub Barzani. In Arabic.
Turkey’s enmity to Kurdish people hinders NATO’s war against ISIS
By Ayoub Barzani. 14.10.2014. Source: kurdistantribune.com
Power Transfer Within Kurdish Parties: KDP & PUK Pattern.
By Ayoub Barzani. In kurdish.
The nonexistence of independent political decision among Kurdish chiefs
Ayoub Barzani. In kurdish.Source: sharpress.net
Turkey, the main actor in South Kurdistan (The article published
in Sharpress Magazine, No 2). By: Ayoub Barzani. In kurdish.
The Kurdish leaders are drunk with power and wealth’: Ayoub Barzani
24.12.2012.Written by Editor. Source: kurdistantribune.com
An Interview with Ayoub Barzani.Source: Lvin 20.07.2009.
In Kurdish.
In Arabic as well.
Interview with Ayoub Barzani. From kurdishMedia.com 2 july 2008.
In the memory of the genocide of the Barzanis in the 07.31.1983
By Ayoub Barzani. In Arabic. 01.08.2010.
Hawlati interviews Ayoub Barzani
16.12.2012. In kurdish. Source: hawlati.co
Turkey, running away from the Democratic solution!
Ayoub Barzani. In Arabic. 02.04.2012
Source: m.facebook.com/awene24/
Source: nrt.tv
The bilingual periodic Arabic-
Kurdish (Hevot) published between
1992 -
2002, No: 0 to 3
No: 4,5,6,7,8.
No: 10,11,14.
No: 15,19.
No: 21-
No: 23 -
No: 25 -
Ismet Sherif Vanly a trans phenomenon of political parties and the colonial
frontiers that divide Kurdistan.21.12.2011.In Arabic. Ayoub Barzani.
Mines on the Road to Democratic Change in Kurdistan region.
From Hawlati. 8/10/2008. By: Ayoub Barzani. In Arabic.
Hawlati, 5, 9 March 2008. An interview with Ayoub Barzani
By Kamal Rahuf (in Arabic).
An interview with Ayoub Barzani. From Rojenameh, prepared by
Sirwan Rashid, in Arabic.
The Shah of Iran on the second day after Algerian Agreement March 1975
Ayoub Barzani. in Arabic.
25.01.2012.Also in Kurdish.
Lvin magazine on the new historical book: The Kurdish liberation movement and
the rivalry of regional and international Powers, 1958 -
1975. By Ayoub Barzani.
Creating an ambience of fear and uncertainty to tighten
control over the Kurdish Society. Ayoub Barzani 25.02.2009
Between words and deeds of the KRG President.
KurdishMedia.com By Ayoub Barzani.07.05.09
Winds of change in Kurdistan. Article translated into kurdish.
By Ayoub Barzani.
In English as well.
The President of Kurdistan Region, Massoud Barzani Threaten
University Professor. Ayoub Barzani. (in Arabic).13/4/2009.
The Dubious Silence that Metamorphoses History
By Ayoub Barzani
Who is responsible for implementing democracy in Kurdistan?
By Ayoub Barzani.11/07/2007
The unholy alliance between a terrorist state (Turkey) and
its backers: USA and EU. Kurdistan Democratic Alliance.
Does the Kurdish Administration innocent of the persecution of those who are
criticizing its conduct, or it is part of its hidden scheme?
Ayoub Barzani. 5/12/2009. In Arabic.
Mentality change of the Kurdish leadership is a pressing necessity.
Ayoub Barzani. 03.09.2008. From Hawlati(in Kurdish).
In Arabic also.
The persecution of the KRM supporters in Badinan.
KurdishMedia.com -
By Ayoub Barzani. 22/05/2009
We and the Swiss model of fedralism(in Arabic).
Ayoub Barzani.From Hawlati. 25.05.2008.
Ahmad (The Fifth Sheikh of Barzan) in Arabic. By Ayoub Barzani.
Cheik Ahmed Barzani
The Three children from Halabja.April 1988. Geneva.
By Ayoub Barzani.17.03.2009.(In French).
Le Courrier 1988. J.L. Planté.
The three children from
The new Prime Minister, how can he be credible?
By Ayoub Barzani. 15.12.2007
Lessons from recent Kurdish history.Abdullah Ishaqi the General
Secretary of the KDP-
his tragic end.(in French). By Ayoub Barzani.
How the ancient Church of Bedyal was destroyed
by Saddam's regime(Article in French).By Ayoub Barzani.
Mouvement de libération kurde : Le handicap géopolitique.
Ayoub Barzani. Avril 1995. No 15. Tiré de l’appel du Kurdistan.
The ruins of the ancinet church of Bedyal.
There is no alternative to the struggle for independance.
Ayoub Barzani. In arabic.
Iraq, and the path towards multipolarity
05.02.2023.By Ayoub Barzani in Arabic.
(Image: GETTY).Source:express.co.uk/
Ayoub Barzani: The region is going through a slow disintegration
Source: Awene.com/
Source: sharpress.net
Interview with Ayoub Barzani.
15.07.2023. In kurdish.Source: rojnews.news/
Is the Kurdistan region witnessing a (chaotic) situation or a
(revolutionary) situation? 1-
3. By Ayoub Barzani. In Arabic.
On recent kurdish history. Montage and preparation by Takor Zerdeshti.
Part one.In kurdish.
Part two.
Part three.
Part four.
Part five.
Part six.
Part seven.
Part eight.
Part nine.
Part ten.
Source: takor Zerdeshti
Ayoub Barzani
Shifiting from the role of “revolutionary” to “mercenary” Kurdistan
By Ayoub Barzani.20.03.2024.In Arabic.
In kurdish also.
A. Barzani: Big dream small opposition!
In kurdish.Source: Facebook of Hadi Hamarashid
De la révolte au mercenariat, Le Kurdistan irakien
comme exemple.01.06.2024. By A.Babo Barzani.
Source: Takor Zerdeshti
The difficult birth. In arabic
01.09.2024. By Ayoub Barzani.
Videos and audios:
Interview with Ayoub Barzani. Source:Ronahi TV.
Interview with Ayoub Barzani. Source: NRLS
Interview with Ayoub Barzani. Source: Sterk TV
Interview with Ayoub Barzani. Alahad TV.In Arabic.
Interview with Ayoub Barzani. Alawla TV. In Arabic.
"Shifting from the role of “revolutionary” to “mercenary”...By Ayoub
Barzani" in audio. Part one.
Part two.
Part three.
Part four.
Part five.
Part six.source: Box Hawal
Source: boxhawal.com/
The difficult birth.By Ayoub Barzani.01.09.2024. -
In Arabic, audio.
Source:Ranjdar Grawy.
In kurdish, Audio. Source: Takor Zersdeshti.