Kurdistan Center
for Democracy in the Middle East
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Ayoub B. Barzani’s page (here).
Kurdish lyrical song.By Ali Serkeri Barzani.
How the ancient Church of Bedyal was destroyed
by Saddam's regime(Article in French). By Ayoub Barzani.
The Future of the Middle East: Our Vision. In Arabic. By Ayoub Barzani
In who's interest the facts are hidden?!
Saddam's trial.Article in Arabic. By Ayoub Barzani.
Comments on the Iraqi Federal Constitution Project.
(In Arabic). Kurdistan Democratic Alliance.
Hesen Huseyîn Denîz
Death penalty for Saddam Hussein
The trial was unfair for the victims. By Ayoub Barzani.
Cheik Ahmed
The Ezidis speak about themselves.(in French).
By Ayoub Barzani.
Dossier on corruption in Kurdistan.
Who is responsible for implementing democracy in Kurdistan?
By Ayoub Barzani.11/07/2007
The unholy alliance between a terrorist state (Turkey) and
its backers: USA and EU. Kurdistan Democratic Alliance.
The Dubious Silence that Metamorphoses History
By Ayoub Barzani
Comments on the draft constitution of the
Kurdistan region.(In Arabic). Kurdistan Democratic Alliance.
Caught in the whirlwind: Torture and Denial of Due Process by the Kurdistan
Security Forces.Human Rights Watch. Iraqi Kurdistan. July 2007.
In Kurdish also.
Turkish incursion into Iraqi Kurdistan.
Kurdistan Democratic Alliance (KDA). Press Release, February 23, 2008.
No to the Turkish State Terrorism Against Kurdish People
Kurdish Intellectuals in Western Kurdistan. 27.02.2008.(in Arabic)
Turkey refuses to close Bases in North Iraq. March 6, 2008. By Mark Bentley.
We and the Swiss model of fedralism(in Arabic).
Ayoub Barzani.From Hawlati. 25.05.2008.
Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution. Kurdistan Democratic Alliance (KDA)
Press Release. June 8, 2008
A new book on Kurdish Grammar. By Hesen Huseyîn Denîz. 19.09.2008.
The new Prime Minister, how can he be credible? By Ayoub Barzani. 15.12.2007
Human Rights Status in Kurdistan Province under the Bipartite rule.
The Kurdistan Democratic Alliance (KDA) calls for social and Political reforms in Kurdistan.
January 2008. On February 1st, 2008, KDA distributed a statement in Kurdistan
Also(in Arabic)
and (in Kurdish).
On the 26th anniversary of the Barzanis massacre, in August, 1983, by the
Baath regime. Lyrics poem. Umed Cholistani. In Kurdish.
Mentality change of the Kurdish leadership is a pressing necessity.
Ayoub Barzani. 03.09.2008. From Hawlati(in Kurdish).
In Arabic also.
Dr. Abdolmosawer Barzani to Lvin magazine: Both Idris and Massoud acted
contrary to what they promised.Translated from Kurdish into Arabic.
Lvin. No 67. May 2008. In Kurdish also.
Election Climate in Kurdistan:The Authority Violates
the Law. Kurdistan Democratic Alliance (KDA). (in Arabic)30/4/2009.
Does the Kurdish Administration innocent of the persecution of those who are
criticizing its conduct, or it is part of its hidden scheme?
Ayoub Barzani. 5/12/2009. In Arabic.
The Human Rights situation of the Kurdish people in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
UN, General Assembly Human Rights Council. Fourteenth Session. Agenda Item 4
Le Courrier 1988. J.L. Planté.
The three children from
Cheik Ahmed
Barzani. Photo:
Livin Magazine
The bilingual periodic Arabic-
Kurdish (Hevot) published between
1992 -
No: 0 to 3.
No: 4,5,6,7,8.
No: 10,11 14.
No: 15,19.
No: 21-
No: 23 -
No: 25 -
Kurdistan Election Under the Threat of Deprivation of Living Resources
From: Kurdistan Reform Movement. 8/6/200
9.In Arabic.
Ahmad (The Fifth Sheikh of Barzan) in Arabic. By Ayoub Barzani.
KDP leadership continues its endemic policy of manipulation
From Kcdme.com 8/7/2009
Between words and deeds of the KRG President.
KurdishMedia.com By Ayoub Barzani.07.05.09
Iraqis Need New Leader. By Hemin Lihony in Sulaimaniyah for IWPR
Cheik Ahmed of Barzan: The forgotten authentic leader of Barzan revolts
By Dr. Yasin Sardashty. From Livin Magazine. 20.09.2010. In Kurdish.
Interview with Dr. Abdolmosawir Barzani: "I will destroy myself and
Kurdistan, but will never let them succeed." Mr. Masooud Barzani's citation
during the Kurdistan Parliamentary election. In Kurdish. From Rega Magazine.
Winds of change in Kurdistan. Article translated into kurdish.
By Ayoub Barzani.
In English as well.
Highly important file plans for the Baath party in Iraq, which consists of
Instructions compiled from Baathist influential Sources. In Arabic.
Saddam Hussein's criminality through his own words. See Videos and Documents.
The President of Kurdistan Region, Massoud Barzani Threaten
University Professor. Ayoub Barzani. (in Arabic).13/4/2009.
The Three children from Halabja.April 1988. Geneva.
By Ayoub Barzani.17.03.2009.(In French).
In Badinan region the KDP is accused of supporting the criminals of Saddam's
advisers (Musteshareen).Prepared by: Diyari Khalid.
Source: Lvin Magazine, 20 January 2011 (in Kurdish)
The tragedy that is Iraq.
By:Issa Khalaf, 02.03.2011. Source: opendemocracy.net
Campaign of solidarity, support and signature in order to consider the crime
Of extermination of the Faili Kurds as Genocide. In Arabic.
HRW: Kurdish Government Not Better Than Saddam Hussein’s.
By WLADIMIR VAN WILGENBURG. 28/05/2011. Source: www.rudaw.net
Syria treatment of Kurds "unacceptable"-
UN official. 07.09.2010.
Source: Reuters. From: www.alertnet.org
By heval hylan .13/9/2009
First United Nations Commemoration of Halabja Genocide.
Why the Manager of the Commission of Integrity Resigned
in Iraq? Read the document in Arabic. Document 1
Document 2
Lvin magazine on the new historical book: The Kurdish liberation movement and
the rivalry of regional and international Powers, 1958 -
1975. By Ayoub Barzani.
Creating an ambience of fear and uncertainty to tighten
control over the Kurdish Society. Ayoub Barzani 25.02.2009
Hawlati, 5, 9 March 2008. An interview with Ayoub Barzani
By Kamal Rahuf (in Arabic).
An interview with Ayoub Barzani. From Rojenameh, prepared by
Sirwan Rashid, in Arabic.
The Shah of Iran on the second day after Algerian Agreement March 1975
Ayoub Barzani. in Arabic.
25.01.2012.Also in Kurdish.
Jalal Sam Agah.Source:
jalal Sam agha: I am not interested in offical posts. In Kurdish
Articles written by Dr. Ismet Sherif Vanly:
University Professor agressed in Erbil, the Parastin of Massoud
(the KDP President) is suspected. See video. Source: www.bakrajo.com
Kurdistan Democratic Alliance: our program.
Kurdistan Democratic Alliance supports Revolutions of all
Nations in the Middle East(In Arabic).
Iraq: Mass Arrests, Incommunicado Detentions
15.05.2012. Source: hrw.org
In Arabic as well
Steps to democratise and prosper Kurdistan. Kurdistan Democratic
Alliance.25/09/2012. Source: kurdishmedia.com
A project to set up {National Alliance} under the banners: Law Supremacy, Effective Parliament,
and Accountable Government. By Kurdistan Democratic Alliance. Contact: Ciyayejule@yahoo.fr
Ismet Sherif Vanly
Kurdistan Democratic Alliance Prop up Assyro-
Chaldean Demands.
27.10.2008. In Arabic.
Turkey, running away from the Democratic solution!
Ayoub Barzani. In Arabic. 02.04.2012
Kawa Germyani
Interview with Ayoub Barzani. From kurdishMedia.com 2 july 2008.
In the memory of the genocide of the Barzanis in the 07.31.1983
By Ayoub Barzani. In Arabic. 01.08.2010.
Hawlati interviews Ayoub Barzani
16.12.2012. In kurdish. Source: hawlati.co
KCDME condemn strongly the assassination of the Journalist
Kawa Germyani in Kurdistan.
The Kurdish Question
Obstacles to a democratic solution (in Arabic).By: Dr. Rasti
The unbridled despotism in South Kurdistan!
09/11/2012. By H. A. Babo Barzani. Source: KurdishMedia.com
Power Transfer Within Kurdish Parties: KDP & PUK Pattern.
By Ayoub Barzani. In kurdish.
The nonexistence of independent political decision among Kurdish chiefs
Ayoub Barzani. In kurdish.Source: sharpress.net
Turkey, the main actor in South Kurdistan (The article published
in Sharpress Magazine, No 2). By: Ayoub Barzani. In kurdish.
The Kurdish leaders are drunk with power and wealth’: Ayoub Barzani
24.12.2012.Written by Editor. Source: kurdistantribune.com
Dr Rebwar Fatah
The influence of despotism and corruption on kurdish personality.
Ayoub Barzani. In kurdish.
In Arabic as well.
The letter of Massoud Barzani cannot sweep away the blood of
thousands of people. Dr Rebwar Fatah. In Kurdish. Source: sharpress.net
Ayoub Barzani comments on the assassination of Kawa Germyani
In kurdish. Source: facebook.com / 3 kontrakt & Kurdistanpost.com
Kurdish Peshmerga soldier aim their weapons during a military
training session held by Dutch army trainers at a shooting range
in Irbil, northern Iraq on Wednesday, March 9, 2016. (AP
Photo / Alice Martins). Source: thenation.com/
Source: globalresearch.ca/
Hillary Clinton. Source:
The Forbidden Book. By Arsalan M.Y.
Source: kurdistantribune.com
In kurdish also.
Writing history under the Kurdish Kleptocratic rule of the KRG
In Kurdish.Ayoub Barzani.
Hillary Clinton’s Emails. A Sunni-
Shiite War Would be Good for Israel and the West. Senior
Israeli Intelligence Official.By Sputnik.18.03.2016. Source:globalresearch.ca/
Paralyzed or energetic society? In kurdish. Ayoub Barzani.
One people, two different paradigm! By Ayoub Barzani.
In kurdish. Source: lvinpress.com
The Kurds Should Prepare Themselves for Yet Another Betrayal.
By James Carden.14.03.2016.Source:www.thenation.com/
Why Kurdish Kleptocrats resort to the " consensus"?
15.08.2015.In Kurdish.Ayoub Barzani
Mercenary Culture prevalent in Kurdistan-
b+c=C. By Hishyar Barzani
Hillary Clinton: Destroy Syria for Israel: “The Best Way to Help Israel”.
By The New Observer.22.06.2016. Source:globalresearch.ca/
Ethics in the conflict of Kurdish Parties in South Kurdistan
22.07.2016. By Ayoub Barzani. In Arabic.
Bakthiar Shemaiy
Thoughts about the changes in South Kurdistan.
By Bekhtyar Shemeyi. In Kurdish.
Be aware no deviation from populare uprising into inter party conflict.
Ayoub Barzani. In Arabic & in English.
Halabja, the massacre the West tried to ignore
Richard Beeston: comment. From The Times January 18, 201
Collaborators of Saddam Hussein dominate KRG !.Iraqi archives
Why Turkish military bases in South Kurdistan?
Ayoub Barzani.01.08.2016.In Arabic.
How to humiliate a people. In kurdish. Ayoub Barzani.
Source: Lvin Magazine.
Barzan and KDP are two instruments to establish a tribal and dictatorial
System.25.12.2017.In arabic.Source:http://newsabah.com/
Turkish objectives amid Middle East crisis. By Ayoub Barzani.
In kurdish.
Abbas Karezy
Dr. Abdol Mosawir
Protection of the Kurds.Dr. Abdolmosawir Barzani
& Part 2. 09.08.2019. In Arabic.
The kurdish situation and mass movement. In kurdish.
Ayoub Barzani. Source: Lvin Magazine. 20.02.2011.
In Arabic also.
The Turkish military campaign reflects a struggle between two projects: racial,
hatred against a progressive, democratic project.31.01.2018.Ayoub Barzani
Vanity generated from failure.In Arabic.By Ayoub Barzani
Presidency of the Kurdistan Regional Government between wisdom
and political recklessness.20.03.2018. By Ayoub Barzani. In Arabic.
Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdoğan doubles down on genocide
By Michael Rubin.30.07.2018.Source:aei.org/
A clarification from Ayoub Barzani to readers and booksellers
in Kurdistan. In Arabic.
Barzani nominates his son to head the government and his nephew to head
the region.By Abbas Karezy.26.03.2018.Source:newsabah.com/
The Kurdish Kleptocracy tries to Escape the tribunal of history.
In Kurdish. By Ayoub Barzani
Ayoub Barzani to Lvin Magazine, Prepared by Herdi Mehdi.In Arabic.
In kurdish Also.
Towards real and deep changes in Kurdish politics. By Ayoub Barzani
28.03.2014.In kurdish.
Chronic corruption in the federal Kurdistan (KRG).
In arabic. Ayoub Barzani
Understanding the past to save the present and the future
12.01.2019.in Arabic. Ayoub Barzani.Source:newsabah.com/
Turkish project for Kurdish state!.Ayoub Barzani. In Arabic
Iraq’s management.In kurdish.By M. Amin
The subversive role of the secret service (PARASTIN) of the (KDP).
Part one.29.03.2022.in Arabic.By Ayoub Barzani.
Dr. Abdulkhaliq Hussein
Turkish President Erdogan and his Kurdish friends!
26.04.2020.By Ayoub Barzani. In Arabic.
Iraq and its dark future!
By Dr. Abdulkhaliq Hussein.In arabic.
To avoid political recycling. Hishyar Barzani
Leadership with no competencies.By Ayoub Barzani
17.08.2016.In Arabic.
System to protect the "holy thieves" in the region!
In Arabic. By Ayoub Barzani
On youtube.
Iraq and legitimacy. By M. Amin. In kurdish
The problems of Iraq can only be solved by loyal people
Ayoub Barzani.14.08.2019. In Arabic.
Politics of axes and the role of Kurdish parties
In Arabic. By Ayoub Barzani
P. Bremer's men continue to run the country
Ayoub Barzani.04.12.2018.In Arabic.Source:newsabah.com/
Ayoub Barzani
Source:aldaaenews.com/ & m.facebook.com/280624439423670/posts/75989
9924829450/ and NRT
Iraq and the Militias. By M. Amin. In kurdish
Michael Rubin
Ayoub Barzani: Traffic of Sulaimani and Erbil airports is under
Turkish observation. In kurdish.Source: sharpress.net
Trump revives ‘maximum pressure’ on Iran but adds a message on
Iran deal.By M.K.BHADRAKUMAR.Source:indianpunchline.com/
Security forces and Iraq.in kurdish.By M. Amin
There is no alternative to the struggle for independance.
Ayoub Barzani. In arabic.
Peaceful exit from the tunnel of the failed state. By Ayoub
Barzani in Arabic.07.09.2022.
in Kurdish.
Change, from the top or from the bottom?(2)
By Ayoub Barzani. In Arabic.
In Kurdish.
The non-
confidence in the political elite.In Arabic.By Ayoub
In kurdish.
Iraq and an interview with Mental.in kurdish.By M. Amin.
Interview with Ayoub Barzani.
15.07.2023. In kurdish.Source: rojnews.news/
Iraq and Tradition. In kurdish.By M. Amin.
Yemen’s Houthis warn they are ready to attack Israel if Gaza
war resumes.11.02.2025.Source:aljazeera.com/
Illusions of Iraq's stability & prosperity under occupation
& the corrupt political class! In Arabic. By Ayoub Barzani
Is the Kurdistan region witnessing a (chaotic) situation or a
(revolutionary) situation? 1-
3. By Ayoub Barzani. In Arabic.
Shifting from the role of “revolutionary” to “mercenary” Kurdistan
Iraq .
By Ayoub Barzani.20.03.2024.In Arabic.
Also in kurdish
Iraqi political and popular investment. M. Amin. In Kurdish.
Iraq and its popular and political fashion.
In Kurdish. By M. Amin.
Will Kurds Survive in the New Syria ? By Matt
Matt Broomfield.Source:
Torture, ill-
treatment and prison conditions in Turkey: 2024 in review
By SCF.11.02.2025.Source:stockholmcf.org/
"Shifting from the role of “revolutionary” to “mercenary”...By Ayoub
Barzani" in audio. Part one.
Part two.
Part three.
Part four.
Part five.
Part six.source: Box Hawal
The great Baath comrades in(the joint capital Erbil) are honored and
Respected, and justice does not reach them. In Arabic.
Iraq and its allies. M. Amin.In Kurdish
Designate Turkey’s Intelligence Service to Be a Terror Organization
By Michael Rubin.03.02.2025.Source:meforum.org/
Shutterstock.Source: meforum.org/
On recent kurdish history. Montage and preparation by Takor
Zerdeshti. Part one.
Part two.
Part three.
Part four.
Part six.
Part seven.
Part eight.
part nine.
Part ten.
Corruption in Iraq
(short video).Source: Alrafidain TV
Iraqi identity. By M. Amin.In kurdish.
Fear and Iraq -
1. By M. Amin.In kurdish.
Interview with Ayoub Barzani on the local elections in
kurdistan region. Source: Sterk TV
Fear and Iraq. In Kurdish. By M. Amin
The difficult birth. In arabic.By Ayoub Barzani.01.09.2024. -
In Arabic,
audio,Source:Ranjdar Grawy.
In kurdish, Audio. Source: Takor Zersdeshti.
Irak: vivre de la politique.in kurdish. By M.Amin
Leaked documents expose US interference projects in Iran.
By Kit Klarenberg.11.01.2025.Source:thecradle.co
European rights court rules Turkey violated right to fair trial of 120
judges and prosecutors.11.02.2025.Source:turkishminute.com/
Turkish gov’t intensifies crackdown on opposition party with new wave
of detentions.11.02.2025.Source:turkishminute.com/
(Photo by Yasin AKGUL / AFP).
Why merging USAID into State would undermine U.S. strategic interests
By George Ingram.03.02.2025.Source:brookings.edu/
(Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call/Sipa USA via
Reuters Connect).Source:
Trump and South Africa on collision course. By John
Iran blasts Trump's threat to use force against country
[Yahya Arhab/EPA-
Photo Credit: The Cradle.Source:
(President of the Russian Federation photo) ,
(Shutterstock/Chip Somodevilla).Source: